There is scientific evidence that music can help to ease the symptoms of depression – With this in mind, we invite you to take time out from your busy schedule, relax momentarily and listen to our “Inspiring Music Selection for Today”, personally selected for you by our President, Karl.
Today’s selection is a stunning orchestral performance of “Can Can” by the Gimnazija Kranj (Youth) Symphony Orchestra in Slovenia. According to Karl: “This piece is from Jacque Offenbach’s opera Orpheus in the Underworld, which is based on the story in Greek mythology of the fateful love of Orpheus for the beautiful Eurydice.”
“When Eurydice dies, Orpheus mourns for her. His true love has left this world. However, his love for Eurydice is stronger that the power of death. Hades is the god of the dead and the ruler of the Underworld. Orpheus descends into the Underworld and persuades Hades to allow him to take the dead Eurydice back to the realm of the living. So one theme of the opera is the power of love, that love is stronger than death itself.”
Karl invites you to experience the power of myth through the medium of music by clicking this link: